No matter where you choose to get your news from, you have likely heard the same grim forecast signaling that a dark winter is ahead. With surging cases of the coronavirus in two thirds of the country and a Farmer’s Almanac prediction for cooler than normal temperatures for the upcoming season, we are bracing for another several months of unknown.

If the seasonal transition has you feeling a little cheerless, fear not. Below are five ways to warm your mood on even the coldest of days ahead.

Invest in a Sunlight Therapy Lamp – If you happen to live in a part of the country that sees minimal sunlight in the months of November through March, you may be familiar with the effects of SAD (seasonal affective disorder) or may be more susceptible to fatigue and lack of motivation in the winter months. If so, you may benefit from a light therapy lamp. Light therapy lamps, also known as “happy lamps” help millions of individuals beat the blues by mimicking natural daylight which helps reset your body’s circadian rhythm and helps balance the chemicals in your brain to enhance your mood and increase energy. Even better, therapy lamps provide similar benefits of sun exposure without the harmful UV rays that have been linked to skin cancer and other skin disorders. Light therapy lamps vary in size and light exposure, but the American Psychological Association recommends utilizing a lamp with at least 10,000 lux of light for maximum relief. As always, consult with your doctor before introducing light therapy into your day to ensure this option is suitable for you.

Sweat It Out with Portable Exercise Equipment – As the weather turns chillier, many of us look to indoor fitness clubs to maintain activity; however, COVID-19 has posed a challenge to gyms worldwide as social distancing and mask wearing can often be challenging in small facilities. Home workouts are more popular than ever, largely in part to quarantine restrictions in 2020. In fact, a survey conducted in July of this year found 52% of Americans are now utilizing at-home workouts to stay in shape and improve mental health during the pandemic. Ease of use and affordability are two of the main reasons that make home fitness an attractive option to so many. For the same price as one month of a gym membership, individuals can purchase a yoga mat, step platform, and resistance bands and are granted the convenience and comfort of working out on their own terms. Additionally, many online fitness companies like Tone it Up and YogaWorks have offered discounted memberships for programs, giving individuals the sense of community often found in brick-and-mortar fitness locations.

Acquire an Arsenal of Comfort Items – Whether ill, sad, or in need of some general comfort, we all have different ways of making ourselves feel better. For some, our go-to may be a handful of Oreos and a Sherpa blanket, others may find solace in a Spotify playlist of our favorite showtunes. My personal go-to items to lift my spirits when my mood matches the weather is a pair of warm fuzzy socks, a fragrant vanilla or sandalwood scented candle, and a slightly burnt bagel with a generous schmear of cream cheese. Whatever your comfort items entail, be sure to have them on hand when the seasons change.

Take a “Virtual” Vacation – Hunkering down this winter will likely come with added stress as the coronavirus continues to plague our nation and world. From visits with loved ones to tropical getaways, much, if not all of our travel plans have likely been put on hold. To alleviate feelings of isolation and combat cabin fever, log onto your computer or smart TV for a virtual getaway. YouTube offers an extensive variety of 4k resolution videos to transport you from your living room to snowy mountain peaks, Central American rainforests, and stunning white sand beaches across the globe. A change of scenery on your television screen can offer relaxation and comfort when confinement begins to get the best of you.

Organize a Strong Support System – A network of trusting peers and family members can make a world of a difference in times of loneliness and elevated stress. Don’t wait until your mental wellness has taken a nose-dive to reach out to loved ones. Designating time for a family Zoom call or phone date with your best friend can help to stay close while we remain physically distant. If you are experiencing symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, depression, or anxiety, reach out to your primary healthcare for behavioral healthcare resources and support. Many professional counseling services, such as BetterHelp and Talkspace offer virtual therapy so that you can receive the support you need without having to leave the house.

If you’re looking for guidance with your goals, professional ambitions, or general mental wellness, our life and career coaches are available for virtual sessions to guide you through life’s challenges as we navigate the change of season ahead. Ready to launch your life? Reach out for more information about our programs and how to get started today.

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