From staying home more than we are used to, to social isolation and financial concerns, individuals across the globe are feeling the effects of mental and physical stress. While the coronavirus may have us all in a permanent state of worry and discontentment, it is now more critical than ever to manage our levels of stress.

While we know stress to be an unpleasant feeling inside the body that can lead to fatigue and agitation, what we may not realize is the toll elevated stress takes on our body’s ability to fight infections.

In small amounts, cortisol can help your immunity by limiting inflammation and increasing energy production in the body, however, chronic stress leads to excess cortisol in the blood stream, which can generate increased inflammation. Additionally, elevated levels of stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and a series of other mood disorders, all of which increase inflammation and can contribute to chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Heightened stress also decreases our body’s white blood cell count, known as lymphocytes, which help to fight infection. The lower the level of lymphocytes in the body, the higher your risk of catching a virus becomes. At a time when cold and flu season is running rampant, and COVID-19 is spreading faster than we can track, keeping our lymphocyte count high is crucial to maintaining optimal physical and mental health.

Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to reduce stress and restore your energy levels during this time of uncertainty. Check out some of our favorites below:

Practice mindfulness

One of the most effective ways to combat stress is to practice mindfulness through meditation or journaling. In fact, as little as 5-10 minutes of mindfulness a day can significantly lower stress in the body, decrease feelings of anxiety, and improve your cardiovascular system. From sleep stories to guided meditations, apps such as Headspace and Calm provide a variety of options to get you started with practicing mindfulness.

Get moving

Perhaps one of the most beneficial ways to eradicate stress from the body is through movement. Exercise and physical activity produce endorphins in the brain that naturally alleviate pain in the body, but can improve sleep quality as well. You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to feel the stress relieving affects of exercise. Just a brisk walk every day can improve your mood and protect your body against the harmful effects of stress, including cardiovascular disease and digestive disorders.

Incorporate aromatherapy in your life

Aromatherapy has been gaining traction in the past years for its therapeutic abilities. Studies suggest certain scents can have significant impact on our moods and feelings of contentment. Lavender and rosemary are among the most popular scents used for stress relief. Lavender is believed to have a calming effect on the body and improve cognitive performance. It has also been scientifically proven to soothe and promote sleep in infants. Rosemary is also associated with feelings of calmness and euphoria and can increase performance and mood. Candles and incense are also helpful in promoting a calming atmosphere and are often used a focal point in meditation. The color of your candles can also play a part in your mood and level of stress. Black and white candles allude to feelings of cleanliness and serenity, which can promote relaxation and restore energy levels.

Find tranquility in music

Soothing music can help to relax the body and improve cognition. Nature sounds, classical music, and ambient soundscapes are just a few of the types known to calm an overactive brain. Slower, rhythmic tunes can not only help to relax our minds, but our muscles as well. Experiment with different playlists until you find one that brings you to your calmer self.

Invest in wellness coaching

No matter where life has led you, take comfort in knowing that your changing paths will always guide you to a better destination. Our mental wellness coaches can help get you there. Through goal assessment and active listening, we help you understand where you are and work to create a roadmap for where you want to go. Find peace in the unknown and reach out to us today.

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